Monitored PDUs

The Integra SP2 range of smart PDU’s offers cost efficient, accurate and reliable power monitoring. As a manufacturer, we can configure the PDU in any socket and power input combination you require or even as an inline power to monitor legacy PDU’s.

The SP2 range of energy monitoring has a local display with easy scrolling readings and SNMP connectivity.

Measure 14 Values including Volts, Amps, Watts, kWh & Power Factor, enabling accurate reporting of power usage across the connected devices with a 1% accuracy.

Additional values include: – RMS Volts, RMS Amps, KW, Internal Temperature, Frequency, Power Factor, Peak Volts, Peak Current, kVA, kWh, kg/CO2 Consumption cost kJ/H BTU/h

PDU management software available FOC with flexible configuration. Alerts for all critical high/low metrics can be set and sent via Email.

Communicates via IPV4 HTTP, SNMP, SMTP (email), XML, HTML, Telnet with access into SNMP PDU software and supplied MIB for third party integration.

Take a look at our range of Monitored PDUs here

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